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New posts in exit-code

Is it possible to catch an error exit code in node.js from shell script?

node.js bash shell sh exit-code

Bash: Checking for exit status of multi-pipe command chain

Where does the exit status go after trap/return?

bash exit-code bash-trap

How can I check the return value / exit status of perl -MCPAN -e?

What is the meaning of values from Java Process.exitValue()?

java process exit-code

How to terminate a program with Ctrl-D?

c++ exit-code

Does the PID of a child process become available for reuse if the parent process is still running?

Python exit code

How to extract $lastexitcode from c# powershell script execution

Visual Studio pre-build event; Checking exit code for each event

What would be the cmd.exe alternative to bash's set -e?

batch-file cmd exit-code

What's the equivalent of ExitThread(ExitCode) and GetExitCodeThread in C# & .net?

How to make valgrind report an error when there are still reachable allocs

c free valgrind exit exit-code

Exit Application in Qt

qt exit exit-code

Cannot launch shell script with arguments using Java ProcessBuilder

Perl: Capturing correct return value from 'system' command

perl exit-code

Why do return codes over 255 return a differnt number in C++?

c++ return exit-code

seccomp --- how to EXIT_SUCCESS?

Jenkins - simply robocopy in Jenkins finishes marks build with failure

gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1 iphone

iphone gcc exit-code