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How to get rlwrap to work inside Emacs' shell / eshell?

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Invoking su in emacs' eshell

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Equivalent of "exec" in emacs *eshell*?

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Emacs eshell. How to read content of command-line on pressing RET

Case-insensitive matching with Eshell?

Emacs, smooth scrolling, scroll-margin and eshell

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How to write eshell script?

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Problem using git and Emacs eshell mode on Windows

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Node.js prompt '>' can not show in eshell

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What is difference between shell and eshell in emacs?

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Create more than one eshell instance in emacs

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eshell search history

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Using RVM in eshell of Emacs

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What setup file does eshell (elisp shell) read when it starts? How eshell sets its PATH?

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git-log in eshell

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Make eshell tab completion behave like Bash

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How to set an environment variable in emacs shell (eshell)?

Advantages and disadvantages between zsh and emacs' (e)shell

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How to open file in Emacs via eshell?

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