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Create more than one eshell instance in emacs

Think: tiling my emacs window with eshells, a la xmonad. Is this possible? I can M-x eshell to open the first eshell instance but future invocations just focus the first instance.

like image 295
mbac32768 Avatar asked Mar 29 '10 20:03


2 Answers

You can do this:

`C-u M-x eshell`

This will create *eshell*, *eshell*<2>, and so on.

like image 162
Chris R Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Chris R

My preferred approach is to create named shells:

(defun make-shell (name)
  "Create a shell buffer named NAME."
  (interactive "sName: ")
  (setq name (concat "$" name))
  (rename-buffer name))

is the gist. Then M-x make-shell name will create the desired shell.

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pajato0 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09
