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Passing Parameters to yield in Rails 3 (or is it possible?)

Can View call some Model methods in Rails?

Can I inherit an erb template?

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Convert html.slim views to html.erb - Rails, Slim, ERB

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Ruby each, different action depending on index, with a pattern?

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Rails escapes HTML in my plain text mails

ruby 1.9 + sinatra incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8

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What does <%=h ... %> means in Rails?

How does js.erb work

Clean approach to devise notice/alerts in materialize toast

Partial not accessing local variable

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Add if statement to do-end block

initializing and incrementing a variable in one line of code

How to render a string as an erb file?

ruby-on-rails ruby erb

How do I insert variable values into HTML tags in ERB templates?

ruby-on-rails ruby erb

Whats wrong with my simple If Else?

How to to run eslint on *.js.erb files?

How do I yield from an ERB code block without rendering it?

ruby-on-rails ruby erb

Why is a block from a view rendered twice?

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How do I find the path of a template file using ERB?

ruby erb