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New posts in equality

Pointer equality in Haskell?

When is the `==` operator not equivalent to the `is` operator? (Python)

python comparison equality

Testing delegates for equality

c# delegates equality

How to implement __eq__ for set inclusion test?

python set equality

Python comparison ignoring nan

Does a Python object which doesn't override comparison operators equals itself?

python equality

Why hashCode() returns the same value for a object in all consecutive executions?

java equality

Assert that two java beans are equivalent

Ruby: check if all array elements are equal

ruby arrays equality

Checking for deep equality in JUnit tests

java junit equality

Clojure - test for equality of function expression?

Object equality in context of hibernate / webapp

java hibernate wicket equality

Why do the Python docs say I need to define __ne__ when I define __eq__?

== vs Equals in C#

c# .net operators equality

How do I test if three variables are equal [R]

r equality

Returning NotImplemented from __eq__

What is the algorithm used by the memberwise equality test in .NET structs?

.net equality

difference between is_null "== NULL" and "=== NULL" in PHP [duplicate]

php null identity equality

What's the fastest way to compare two arrays for equality?

c# arrays algorithm equality