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New posts in entity

Additional properties to entity Field Type in a form in Symfony2

NSFetchRequest as entityName gives error "use of undeclared type"

swift entity nsfetchrequest

Symfony2 get user id in entity repository

symfony entity acl

EF4, Lambda, Repository pattern and DTOs

Is it possible to move named queries of an entity to another class

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HTTP Range Header for Entity lists

http rest entity range

System.ArgumentException: The modelEntityContainerName parameter contains characters that are not valid

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Yesod/Persistent entity deriving Show

entity persistent yesod

How to lock whole entity (table) in JPA entity manager

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@SqlResultSetMapping columns : entities with sub-entities

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How to identify EJB entity property changes in @PreUpdate?

Code-First Reference one-to-many


java sql jpa entity jpql

Dynamic LINQ Expression for sorting navigation property

linq asp.net-mvc-3 entity

How to bind a Json into a Entity in Symfony2

php json symfony entity bind

Oracle materialized view with Entity Framework model

EF Core and DDD: Store ValueObjects in the same table as Entities, also use parametrized constructors to set property values on Entities

MVC: Are Models and Entity objects separate concepts?

Saving many entities in GAE with JPA