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New posts in entity

Add-Migration creating empty migration in code migrations/code first

DDD: Share entity with multiple aggregate roots

Symfony 2.5 : Entity Type, prevent fetching all records when form submitted

Loading partial entities with Linq to Entities

NHibernate & Cancelling Changes to Entities

c# .net nhibernate entity

How to get entity framework to realize the model and the DB are in sync

Symfony2: best approach to use business (repository) logic in entity or controller

Slow deserialization when fetching low level datastore Entity objects from Memcache

LINQ to Entities Skip and Take

Symfony2: Creating entity table conditionally

symfony doctrine-orm entity

Framework similar to Spring Data JPA in Golang

How-to XHTML 1.1 validate an ampersand without escaping it?

php validation xhtml entity

EF 4.1 Code First Foreign Key adds Extra column

Symfony2 form with field not in entity

DDD, CQRS, Event Sourcing: Where do entities come from?

JPA illegalStateException - CascadeType issues

java jpa entity eclipselink

Visual Studio 2012 Add controller with Context fails when connectionstring configSource in place

Unit Testing a Zend Framework 2 Module With Factory

The property on type cannot be set because collection is already set to an EntityCollection

Entity Framework always includes data that is in context even if I don't ask for it