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New posts in entity-framework

Create a DbGeography Polygon from a collection of DbGeography Points

how do I return entities from delimited list of Ids in EF5 Code First

WPF datepicker validation error appears when binding value is null

.net wpf entity-framework

GetModifiedProperties not working for EF4.1 DbContext


Add empty element to list

c# linq entity-framework

Entity Framework MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion giving error

LEFT JOIN or RIGHT JOIN using LINQ Entity-Framework

Cannot convert lambda expression to delegate type

EDMX .NET 4.5 to 4.0?

Using T4 Templates to Generate multiple classes based on POCO

ASP.Net MVC & Entity Framework project architecture WITHOUT repository pattern

Windows 2012 SERVER - No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'System.Data.SqlClient'

EF migrations exception: A dependent property in a ReferentialConstraint is mapped to a store-generated column

ASP.NET Identity How to I add a required property for a custom ApplicationUser?

Why do I get a set of numbers when I call GetType Name in MVC?

Route Id overrides Model.Id

LINQ in Entity Framework 6 with large .Any()

Base class in Entity Framework 6?

c# entity-framework

Do I need to use POCO Classes with Entity Framework 6

c# wcf entity-framework

DbSet<T>.Where(where).ToList() - why SQL does not include where clause?