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New posts in entity-framework-core-2.1

How to log Entity Framework Core operations by NLog

Using Include with Intersect/Union/Exclude in Linq

Entity Framework Core DbContext inheritance problem with DbOptions in constructor

How to create custom fields for IdentityUser in asp.net Core 2.1.1

How to UPDATE modified and deleted entities on SaveContext?

EF Core Migration error: Database 'MyDatabaseName' already exists. Choose a different database name

Set decimal precision for query result object

EF Core 2.1 project Add-Migration NullReferenceException

Entity Framework Core 2.1 - owned types and nested value objects

Entity Framework Core - EF Core 2.2 - 'Point.Boundary' is of an interface type ('IGeometry')

EF Core Group By translation support on conditional sum

Get List of Entity Models in DbContext Entity Framework Core 2.1

How do I test whether a DbContext is in memory?

Get Error : Entity type 'Course' is defined with a single key property, but 2 values were passed to the 'DbSet.Find' method

Entity Framework Core: Fail to update Entity with nested value objects

The seed entity for entity type 'X' cannot be added because the was no value provided for the required property "..ID"

How to handle huge efcore migrations designer files that is slowing down build and IDE

VS Solution Explorer Analyzers exclamation: ef1000 "possible sql injection vulnerability"