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New posts in entity-framework-4

EF 4.3 CodeFirst MVC3 WebApp and console use same model, but somehow they 'see' a different model which results in a model backing error

Entity Framework: ViewModel to Domain Model

Entity Framework 4 POCO's and AutoMapper

MVC or MVP architecture for winform applications using Entity Framework as ORM

Deleting associated data in LINQ to EF

Cannot find Entity Framework 4 annotations

Generic Repository Pattern have repetition of code so what will be benefit?

How to detach entities from EF Code First contexts

ORACLE and Entity Framework. Error:the specified store provider cannot be found in the configuration or is not valid

Check for items inside a Entity Framework linq result

c# linq entity-framework-4

Entity framework work locally but not on azure

Entity Framework Code First Map (Linked) Table?

Preventing StackOverflowException while serializing Entity Framework object graph into Json

Serial Number (Record Count) in Razor?

Nullable database property but texbox still shows red border when content deleted

EF CTP5 error: Invalid object name

Using LINQ .Distinct() with DateTime - Selecting only the first instance of a date