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New posts in enterprise-library

Custom / Nested XML settings in ServiceConfiguration.cscfg

Running With DiagnosticMonitorTraceListener Outside of Azure Compute Emulator

Creating a rolling flat log file using Enterprise library

Do common JARs have to be repeated across WARs in an EAR?

Why do I get System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly, about once a week on my ASP.Net Website?

What exactly is "Reliable" logging?

EntLib5: Loggin application block not logging to Event Log (exception: type LogWriter cannot be constructed)- Can anyone help?

Enterprise Library CacheFactory.GetCacheManager Throws Null Ref

Setting a 'category' in the .net enterprise library logging (to event log)

How to elegantly log contextual information along with every message

Invalid TraceListenerData type in configuration for Enterprise Library Logging Distributor

Initialize RetryManager from EnterpriseLibraryContainer not working

c# azure enterprise-library

What is the LogWriter.ShouldLog(LogEntry) method behaviour based on?

Azure Web Role with Transient Fault Handling Block exception: The path is too long after being fully qualified

Installing Microsoft Enterprise Libraries and DatabaseFactory


Exception.Data info is missing in EntLib log

Mocking Enterprise Lib 5 'Database'

SynchronizationLockException + Logging

Enterprise Library Logging - Remove hyphen from format

Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data: execute multiple statements in one transaction