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New posts in embedded

Initialising int affects function return value

c++ arduino embedded

What is the difference between GT and HI instruction in ARM architecture?

assembly arm embedded

Does it make sense to type cast literals?

c++ c embedded

Hardware breakpoints vs Software breakpoints in embedded systems

Why AVR-GCC compilers append a "clr r1" line after multiplication?

c embedded avr avr-gcc

RS232 Communication - Can I use it to create a steady state signal?

Is Android recommended for Atom processor platform?

C++ running on PIC32 (MIPS32)

Floating point operations in interrupt handler (PowerPC, VxWorks)

How to quickly broadcast information with a XBee to other XBee?


embedded vhdl fpga xilinx

Running an Arduino sketch with Fritzing

embedded arduino avr-gcc

Bootloader Working

embedded bootloader u-boot

Does C provide a way to declare an extern variable as 'read-only', but define it as writeable?

Why are memory locations also called registers?

embedded cpu-registers

UART over USB for STM32 Micro-controller

Multiple Arduino Interrupts on same pin

arduino embedded debouncing

How will circular DMA periph to memory behave at the end of the transfer in STM32?

embedded usb stm32 spi dma

what does "POR" mean in embedded development?

c++ c embedded arm

Selecting a Unique Identifier in C for an Embedded Application

c algorithm embedded