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Within emacs, how do I reference the physical screens?

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gud-gdb emacs 24 not working

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Emacs line no. in status bar set to '??'

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Runtime of a buffer in emacs

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How can I use `cabal repl` instead of `ghci` in `ghc-mod`?

Currying a function in emacs lisp

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How to change the character composing the Emacs vertical border?

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Can't find out how to solve flyspell checker to work

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Emacs auto-complete installed by Package from http://marmalade-repo.org/ doesn't work

Emacs keybinding changes between Emacs 23 and Emacs 24

User super key for meta commands in emacs

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eterm-color: Unknown terminal type

Remove header information from rgrep/grep output in emacs?

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Emacs 24.5 with prelude stuck on contacting host melpa.org

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Tab in Emacs-helm (anything) does not autocomplete with current best match

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Use repl for Hy in Emacs

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M-x shell open shell in other windows

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