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New posts in ejb-3.1

TransactionRolledbackLocalException Client's transaction aborted when accessing @Singleton

java jpa transactions ejb-3.1

JAVA EE 6 share instances between stateful EJBs

java java-ee-6 ejb-3.1

Transaction management and CDI

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EE 6 (GlassFish): how many containers? How many singletons?

How to inject a Session Bean into a Message Driven Bean?

Future<V> and Exception

java jakarta-ee ejb-3.1

SEVERE: EJB5070: Exception creating stateless session bean - solution with beans.xml

glassfish java-ee-6 ejb-3.1

EJB-3.1 @Startup & @Schedule anotation in Apache Tomee for Timer Execution

Resource not available in @Singleton @Predestroy method

java glassfish ejb-3.1

Is there any way to make the Embedded EJB container boot faster?

jakarta-ee junit4 ejb-3.1

How does CDI remove stateful session bean?

cdi ejb-3.1

JavaEE - EJB 3.1: Can we force transaction rollback on checked exceptions?

Asynchronous EJB 3.1 methods and Transactions

java jakarta-ee ejb-3.1

Access to an EJB remotely from a different server

Why EJB is null? [duplicate]

java ejb ejb-3.1

Create Two Thread Pools for Asynchronous session bean methods in JBoss EAP6?

How do I create a non-persistent EJB 3.1 Timer?

java timer ejb ejb-3.1

How to find the JNDI look-up name of EJB programmatically?