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JPA composite primary key with null value

Why use stateful session beans?

How to receive Email in Java EE application


Mocking Reflection based calls

java mocking ejb-3.0 mockito

How to limit the number of MDB instances listening to a Jboss JMS queue

What's the best way to share business object instances between Java web apps using JBoss and Spring?

Embedding images into html email with java mail

No EJB receiver available for handling

jboss ejb ejb-3.0 jboss7.x

Stateful EJBs in web application?

In @Table(name = "tableName") - make "tableName" a variable in JPA

java jpa ejb-3.0

Named Query Or Native Query or Query Which one is better in performance point of view?

java ejb-3.0

JPA entity has no primary key?

java database jpa entity ejb-3.0

Better Exception Handling in JPA

java ejb-3.0 jpa-2.0

How does EJB and JPA relate? [duplicate]

java jakarta-ee jpa ejb-3.0

How to stop endless EJB 3 timer?

java timer jboss ejb-3.0

Unsatisfied dependencies for type [...] with qualifiers [@Default] at injection point (using @Stateful EJB with CDI)

java ejb-3.0 java-ee-6 cdi seam3

Inheriting class annotations

java annotations ejb-3.0

EJB3 Transaction Propagation

EJB 3.0 - Nested Transaction != Requires New?