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New posts in ejb-3.0

Read Environment Variables in persistence.xml file

Using stateful session beans with servlets

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How to start an EJB Timer on deployment?

java jakarta-ee jboss ejb-3.0

Transaction is alternating Timeouts

Error invoking timeout for timer - could not obtain lock within 5MINUTES at EJB 3 timerservice

jboss timer ejb ejb-3.0 jboss6.x

What are the main differences between EJB 2.0 and EJB 3.0 in the orientation of an object

java ejb ejb-3.0

Where can I find good unit testing resources for EJB and J2EE? [closed]

Is using data transfer objects in ejb3 considered best practice

Is it safe to inject an EJB into a servlet as an instance variable?

What is an Enterprise Java Bean really?

JavaEE 6: javax.naming.NameAlreadyBoundException: Use rebind to override

ejb-3.0 glassfish-3

JPA/EJB3 Relationship

java jpa ejb-3.0

Using the client jar in EJB 3 and design patterns

java jakarta-ee ejb-3.0 ejb

Injecting a static EJB, nonsense?

EJB 3 or Hibernate 3

What's the point of using @Scoped with EJBs?

java jakarta-ee ejb-3.0

What is the best way to unit test a EJB3 component without having to deploy the component

EJB 3.0 exceptions handling

JBoss transaction timeout setting?

Can an EJB3 bean "self inject" and call its own methods via EJB container?

java ejb-3.0