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New posts in ehcache

How Can I Get Ehcache To Keep Heap Size Bytes Statistics For Unbounded Caches?

java ehcache

A soft-locked cache entry was expired by the underlying Ehcache

Spring Cache - Create custom CacheManager

Performance of hibernate Second Level Caching ehcache

java hibernate caching ehcache

Ehcache diskstore is deleted during application restart

java ehcache

Ehcache - using SelfPopulatingCache when data is not present

java ehcache

Using ehcache in front of memcached

Spring Security ACL with EhCache 3

Caching data in grails

EhCache + hibernate

Is there a new version of ehcache-core that is part of the latest versions of Ehcache?

Can Java garbage collector randomly delete objects in the On-Heap tier?

java ehcache

Deploying multiple Grails instances with shared cache and sessions?

WebApp Session Management using Ehcache

Ehcache losing objects

java spring ehcache

EhCache - remove expired element (because of timeToIdleSeconds or timeToLiveSeconds) without try to get it?


Spring Ehcache MBean Monitoring

java spring ehcache mbeans

How do I integrate EhCache 2.9 & JGroups replication?

ehcache jgroups

hibernate second level ehcache miss

java hibernate ehcache

What does a Terracotta server do when it is used as a backend for EHCache with Hibernate?