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Can Java garbage collector randomly delete objects in the On-Heap tier?




Ehcache's documentation states that the Heap tier is subject to Java garbage collection (as opposite to the Off-heap tier & Disk store).

Now, does this mean that objects in the Heap tier can be spontaneously deleted by GC? Obviously, they are deleted by Ehcache when they expire or when it runs out of space - which is a well-defined behaviour. But on top of that, can GC just come and randomly kill some objects just like that, without even moving them to a lower tier?

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Leszek Pachura Avatar asked Nov 02 '18 10:11

Leszek Pachura

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1 Answers

GC won't collect a live object, that is an object which is reachable from a live thread. Objects in the on-heap Ehcache storage are reachable so they won't be collected.

Ehcache used to experiment with WeakReference but according to this post this idea was abandoned:

I thought this was a cool idea. In production our caches ended up looking like Swiss cheese as elements randomly disappeared. I was hoping the VM would keep all elements and only start discarding before running out of memory. Not so. It was removed about 8 months ago although I noted a few references in the java doc today.

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Karol Dowbecki Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 05:10

Karol Dowbecki