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Online WYSIWYG XML editor [closed]

What's a good WYSIWYG editor to use with ContentEditable? [closed]

GWT Validator with Editor Framework

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Eclipse - best XML editor with syntax coloring?

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Keyboard Shortcut for Notepad++ to Make HTML Coding Easily

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How can I get SSMS to provide Auto Completion for SQL Azure?

Multiple editor windows with multiple tabs

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How can I change a huge text file from ANSI to UTF-8?

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How to put cursor on specified line in vscode editor extension programatically?

Vim: How to change text from within an indent script

vim editor

Design pattern for Vector Graphic Editor

No syntax highlighting in eclipse for java

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CodeMirror delete a editor instance

Toggle a specific Text with JavaScript not working as expected

How can I undo more than a single character in TextMate?

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Keeping i18n resources synced

searching whole word in Vim (dash character)

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As a vim user, how do I get used to Xcode? [closed]

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How to format a Java file in Vim like Eclipse

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Can I define #regions in the visual studio 2012 t-sql editor?