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New posts in ecmascript-5

How can I compile ES6 code to ES5 for the browser?

Running ECMAScript 5 compliant javascript on Java 7

Visual Studio 2015 - errors on *.d.ts files in node_modules folder

`this` in global scope in ECMAScript 6

How could I know I am using ES6 in React?

Force to use specific ES version

React - Differential Loading (es5, es6, esnext, etc) based on browser

Does JavaScript have the concept of l-value and r-value?

Is there a JavaScript project that normalizes ECMAScript 5

javascript ecmascript-5

Retrieve the current javascript file name and line number

What can I do if nothing is supported on IE?

Mozilla developer page - But never use this form

Why ISN'T `foo: 'bar'` a syntax error in Javascript? [duplicate]

Can't Convert Debounce ES5 to ES6

What's the difference between void, eval, and the Function constructor in JavaScript?

What object javascript function is bound to (what is its "this")?

WeakMap implementation in EcmaScript5?

Why does `"foo".bar = 42;` throw `TypeError` in strict mode in ES6?

What does un-shimmable mean?

javascript ecmascript-5

How to understand JS realms