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Class "Department" is mapped, but is not included in any persistence unit

java jpa eclipselink

Eclipselink & Spring Data

JPA: Parameterized instances of AttributeConverter

Inject EJB into Eclipselink SessionCustomizer to provide Oracle schema name

Upgrading from JPA 2.1 to JPA 2.2

java jpa eclipselink jpa-2.2

Jpa QueryBuilder Multiple expressions in where clause not working

How to set positional/named parameters dynamically to JPA criteria query?

How can I merge / extend persistence units from different JARs?

Unknown entity class error message even though the entity is marked with @Entity annotation

Avoiding N+One selects and Invalid results from eclipselink with batch read

java orm eclipselink

Under what conditions would SELECT by PRIMARY KEY be slow?

stream on JPA lazy list

EclipseLink Query - Select count(*) from student s not working

Do I have to set both sides for a bidirectional relationship?

java jpa eclipselink derby

how to use JPA life-cycle events to get entity data

Can I replace jaxb.properties with code?

java xml jaxb eclipselink moxy

EclipseLink adding a Converter causes ValidationException intermittently

eclipse jpa eclipselink

MOXy JAXB: how to exclude elements from marshalling

jaxb eclipselink moxy

JPA cascade persistence with entity ElementCollection keys

java jpa eclipselink