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JPA: is the default constructor required to be empty?

Hibernate exception with @MapsId, @EmbeddedId

Custom data types using EclipseLink and Querydsl

java jpa eclipselink querydsl

Hibernate not following JPA specifications when combined with Bean Validation API?

JPA DescriptorEventAdapter ChangeSet always null

What's the difference between @CascadeOnDelete and CascadeType.REMOVE annotations?

java sql jpa eclipselink

Problems with generating sql via eclipseLink - missing separator

Hibernate Envers for EclipseLink (Entity Auditing)

java eclipselink audit

How do I configure dynamic weaving using EclipseLink & Spring?

Get rid of redundant joins produced by subqueries in JPA criteria

dynamic @PersistenceContext unitName attribute for container-based EntityManager

Merge an entity, change its id, merge again, cause "mapped to a primary key column in the database. Updates are not allowed" error

How to apply Static Weaving Ant Task with Eclipse-Link JPA in Netbeans?

EclipseLink JPA `@PreUpdate` call not persisting

java jpa eclipselink

How can I set a String[] parameter to a native query?

JPA table "sequence" does not exist

java jpa eclipselink

JPA No transaction is currently active

java jpa eclipselink

JPQL query with WHERE on nested fields

Validate JAXBElement in JPA/JAX-RS Web Service