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Programming on a remote machine [Eclipse - ruby]

ruby eclipse eclipse-plugin

jadclipse Error during DECOMPILATION REPORT

eclipse eclipse-plugin jad

Eclipse PDE: given a relative path like /ProjectName/lib/something.jar, how do you get a full filesystem path?

Can't Save "Is a Tomcat Project" setting in Eclipse Project Properties

Use Navigation History in Eclipse RCP

How to change the eclipse window colour based on the workspace?

How to implement undo/redo functionality into Eclipse FormEditor?

How to debug a plugin in Eclipse - i.e. a Java project without a Main method

Build local eclipse plugins using tycho pointing to local p2 repository

eclipse-plugin tycho

How to track mouse EXIT/ENTER/HOVER over composite?

Contributed control to the status bar not visible

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module

In Eclipse, is there a way to open a file by typing its path and name?

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Find the dependent bundles in Eclipse at runtime

Is there a good plugin for generate UML from Android(Java) classes? [closed]

How to programmatically copy a folder from a plugin to a new project in the work space?

Unable to install Hibernate plugin for eclipse

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Add dynamic tabs in tabbed property view of eclipse

Any decent Eclipse plugin for monitoring Jenkins?

eclipse-plugin jenkins

What does the -clean parameter mean in the Eclipse IDE?

eclipse ide eclipse-plugin