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New posts in eclipse-plugin

How do I use "org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts"?

How to determine absolute file path of a Java source file in Eclipse plugin?

eclipse eclipse-plugin

How to programmatically change the selection within package explorer

Eclipse, Egit and Symlinks or symbolic links - Is it possible to make a dirty eclipse plugin to fix this?

eclipse eclipse-plugin egit

What's the difference between Eclipse Packages and Plug-ins?

Eclipse debug stepping with AspectJ

Eclipse RCP and Eclipse Plugin

Unable to connect Sonar Eclipse Plugin to Sonar Server

How to install GEF/Draw2d source/javadoc for Eclipse PDE?

SecurityException when running plain JUnit + Mockito in Eclipse RCP Project

Eclipse Checkstyle Plugin installed but not visible

Xtext based language within Intellij Idea

Easy way to add a context action to Eclipse

How do I manage the existing repositories that show up when I use Subversive?

"This plug-in will make contributions to the UI" option - behavior and explanation

Eclipse dark theme for windows: how to change the color of scroll bars and title bars to dark?

Eclipse + Turn an Existing Project into a JPA Project

Error while installing Maven Integration for Eclipse

eclipse checkstyle error cannot initialize module TreeWalker - TreeWalker is not allowed as a parent of FileLength

Is there a free Eclipse plugin that creates a UML diagram out of Java classes / packages? [closed]