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New posts in eclipse-plugin

How to highlight "ini files" in Eclipse

Highlighting lines in eclipse, like with a textmarker

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Debugging Eclipse plug-ins

Eclipse plug-in: Create a new file extension for a language not supported by Eclipse

UML Plugin for Eclipse - Class Diagrams & Java Code Generation - Indigo/Juno

.metadata\.log error in eclipse

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Eclipse Color Theme reverts to default every time I exit

Best UML plugins for Eclipse [closed]

java eclipse-plugin uml

How can i see the live parse tree using Antlr4 Ide in Eclipse?

Clean and build an Eclipse java project with one click

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Can Install EGit: Missing requirement: Git Team Provider Core

Egit is installed (came with Juno), but does not show at all

Debug eclipse plugin project -- PermGen space, out of memory error

eclipse eclipse-plugin

plugin failed to connect to development mode server at

How to run dynamic web projects of Eclipse in Chrome?

Eclipse-plugin-dev: How to get current bundle version?

Eclipse Plugin: how to get the path to the currently selected project

Javadoc documentation render in place. Can one see pretty-print documentation in IDE?

How do I configure Eclipse to launch a browser when Run or Debug is selected using Pydev plugin

Eclipse Plugin Settings - Activation and Singleton Settings