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plugin failed to connect to development mode server at

I am using GWT 2.3.0 as a plugin for Eclipse to develop a web based application

Unfortunately, when I try to run my application I get:

plugin failed to connect to developer mode server at


onModuleLoad() threw an exception :java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

I have installed the Gwt developer plugin for Google Chrome and every time I run my project it requires me to install this plugin and restart the browser, after which I get the above mentioned problem.

like image 854
Tshepo Avatar asked Sep 06 '11 17:09


1 Answers

You can solve this issue by:

  1. Right click on your web project -> Run as -> Run configurations.

  2. Select 'Server' and 'GWT' tabs respectively and check on 'Automatically select an unused port'

  3. Clear Cache from your Chrome browser (do the same on Firefox if you are using Firefox, remember the GWT plugin is not available on the latest Firefox versions, 3-10 I believe).

  4. Run and hopefully enjoy.

like image 144
John Doe Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 01:11

John Doe