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gwt custom widget with child elements configuration in UIBinder (like CustomButton)




I've faced with a task to create custom widget, it has container behavior -- 3 panels inside. And i would like to use it in general UIBinder way like CustomButton

   <u:image><g:Image .../></u:image>

Is it possible to define that custom child elements somehow or maybe it is predefined thing in the UIBuilder?

Thanks in advance

like image 660
zaletniy Avatar asked Dec 04 '11 13:12


1 Answers

Correct way to do it is to use the UiChild annotation.

public class MyWidget extends Composite {
  public MyWidget() {
    // ...

  @UiChild( tagname = "image" )
  void addImage(Image image) {
    // ...

  @UiChild( tagname = "mainContent" )
  void addMainContent(Widget contentWidget) {
like image 100
Strelok Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10
