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GWT: UiBinder or GWT Designer?

I have my first GWT project that I created using UiBinder (GWT 2.0 way) which I found to be easier than write my UI creation Java source code (GWT 1.0 way).

But I saw this thing called GWT Designer that Google are releasing for free. It has nice features and wizards which were missing with the standard Google Eclipse Plugin. I like it, but I still think that using UiBinder is better. I think GWT Designer will be really useful when it can help you write UiBinder XML files (GWT 2.0 way), and not just source code (GWT 1.0 way).

What do you think about it? Do I need to migrate to GWT Designer project? Will it be better if I migrate but still keep UiBinder UI creation?

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Julian Popov Avatar asked Sep 20 '10 15:09

Julian Popov

1 Answers

The latest GWT Designer now has support for UiBinder, and it works great. http://download.instantiations.com/D2GWTDoc/continuous/latest/docs/html/wizards/gwt/uibinder_composite.html

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stixn Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09
