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how to use appcfg.py for google-app-engine projects created using google's eclipse plugin?

Eclipse Indigo is unable to read repository (update sites)

How to install a JavaScript editor for Eclipse?

Why are classes kept in jars added via custom classpath container not available for code completion?

Is there a programmatic way or eclipse plugin to calculate big O notation for java method [closed]

GLib-CRITICAL **: g_base64_encode_step: assertion 'in != NULL' failed problems in ubuntu

Advanced Eclipse Java Search

How to properly end Eclipse launch configuration execution?

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Change display name of unit tests in JUnit Eclipse plugin

Building a p2 repository by resolving Tycho features from a Maven repository

maven eclipse-plugin tycho

Eclipse visualization for chain of method call

How to list all properties exposed by a Java class and its ancestors in Eclipse?

Eclipse plugins for Spring / Hibernate development?

AppEngine SDK 1.8.5 and Eclipse Juno not working

Eclipse function/plugin that finds corresponding junit class?

ADT 21 update not recognized by Eclipse

How can I get the absolute path to the Eclipse install directory?

How to disable Spell Checker in eclipse

html eclipse eclipse-plugin

How to view local changes by date in Eclipse