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How to view local changes by date in Eclipse

How can I view changes made in whole workspace on a specyfic date in Eclipse? Is there any plugin for that?

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Andrzej Kasp Avatar asked Mar 17 '14 10:03

Andrzej Kasp

People also ask

How do I view change history in Eclipse?

In the Eclipse Navigator view (or any Eclipse view that supports Team operations), right-click the file or folder and click Team > Show History.

Does Eclipse have local history?

Eclipse provides a feature called local history, which is basically a simplistic version control system that is updated every time you save a file. Using this local history, you can view diffs against previously saved versions of your file or revert to one of those revisions.

Where are Eclipse files stored?

- [Voiceover] When we first installed Eclipse, and we launched it for the first time, do you remember the prompt that it asked you where you wanted to store your files? It automatically defaults to the C drive, to users, your username, and it creates a folder called Workspace. That's where your files are located.

3 Answers

Right Click on the file and select "Compare With" > "Local History".

It will list the file history by date. Click on any date will display the history of the file content with current version.

This is what Eclipse supports about local history

Local history in Eclipse

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Laxmikant Ratnaparkhi Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Laxmikant Ratnaparkhi

You have to use SCM(SVN or GIT etc) to see the list of changes on your workspace. Thus you can synchronize the local workspace with the remote repository to see the list of changes.

There is no eclipse built in way to do this. However you can check the local history of a single file as answered by @Laxmikant Gurnalkar.

Also note that you can create local repositories in GIT and SVN.

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Chandrayya G K Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

Chandrayya G K

To view the resource history for a file:

  1. Select the file in one of the navigation views. From the context menu, choose Team > Show History.
  2. The History view will open and show a history for the selected CVS file.

Note: The History view also shows you all version and branch tags that are associated with the file.

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Abd Abughazaleh Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 23:10

Abd Abughazaleh