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New posts in eclipse-plugin

How to resolve Gradle plugin dependency?

Eclipse plugin to roll up if and for?

Initialization of unit-test in PyDev?

Market Place not working in Eclipse Luna

Spring IDE plugin vs STS: feature comparison for version 3.3.0

How to quickly copy the current editing file name or full file path in Eclipse (Luna)?

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Can't import PMD Ruleset in Eclipse

Applying stashed commit '...' failed due to 'Applying... egit error in eclipse

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How do I force an Eclipse plug-in to be unpacked?


Is there an Eclipse plugin for collaborative editing? [closed]

How to select or change JUnit version in Eclipse?

Eclipse - spell checking inside String Quotes ""

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Format freemarker files in Eclipse

Where to find design patterns, best practices for Eclipse plugin development

java eclipse eclipse-plugin

Why do I get a warning: "build.properties does not exist"

eclipse eclipse-plugin

Get MSISDN from the SIM using Android

PyDev installation problems with Kepler and Mac OS

Android ADT Plugin doesn't show up in Eclipse

How to convert String having contents in XML format into JDom document

How to turn off Eclipse warning "The import is never used"?