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Monitoring progress using Apache Commons FTPClient

How to install APK automatically when the file download is complete (hosted on private)

WinRT StorageFile write downloaded file

Downloading a csv file in django

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How to download entire repository from Github using R?

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Using WinInet to identify total file size before downloading it

Simultaneous HttpClient request using multiple AsyncTasks

Offline Android Dev Guide

Find the Download Progress of a file in swift

PHP: Force file download and IE, yet again

How can I retrieve the size of a file during the downloading from an URL (using a http connection)?

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Docker Installation process can't complete due to file being in use elsewhere

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Generate a .txt and then force download [duplicate]

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I am downloading a file using Python urllib2. How do I check how large the file size is?

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Android out of memory prevention

How download big file using PHP (low memory usage)

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Download images and save locally on iPhone Phonegap app

Download file with progress meter in VBA

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Download a file programmatically in multiple chunks in parallel in restartable mode

How to force Chrome to NOT open SaveAs Dialog when downloading a URL?