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New posts in wininet

Why would InternetOpenURL report error 2 (the system cannot find the file specified)?

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How to clear cookie through WinINet function?

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Uploading with HTTPSendRequest

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Why does GetErrorMessage return "wrong password", when the user name is wrong?

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How can I download a huge file via TIdHTTP?

how to contruct HttpSendRequest method of WININET

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How to send a HTTP Post Request in Delphi 2010 using WinInet [duplicate]

delphi http post wininet

How can I prevent URLDownloadToFile from retrieving from the cache?

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WinInet HttpQuery Info returning Invalid Status Codes

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How to I get Fiddler to NOT automatically proxy WinINET Connections?

firefox fiddler wininet

Have WinInet share sessions/cookies with Internet Explorer

delphi cookies wininet

TCP Keep Alive on idHttpServer (server) and wininet (client)

WinInet POST via SSL (HTTPS) with pure C?

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Creating robust HTTP connection for dummy users with WinINET

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Determine the name of a file to download

delphi http wininet

How to enforce tls 1.x using wininet

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Soap Delphi Client end with a timeout for a 1MB call

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WinINet asynchronous mode disaster

c++ c windows networking wininet

Is there any good example of http upload using WinInet c++ library

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InternetOpenUrl only returns after entire HTTP response is downloaded

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