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Uploading with HTTPSendRequest

I have to send files to a php script with delphi. I finaly chose to use Wininet functions because I have to pass through a NTLM Authentication proxy.

When i send the file, I have empty chars (00) between each chars of my content request :

POST /upload.php HTTP/1.1
Cookie: ELSSESSID=k6ood2su2fbgrh805vs74fvmk5
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 5


Here is my Delphi code :

pSession := InternetOpen('MYUSERAGENT', INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, nil, nil, 0);
pConnection := InternetConnect(pSession, PChar(''), INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, nil, nil, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 0);
pRequest := HTTPOpenRequest(pConnection, PChar('POST'), PChar('/upload.php'), 'HTTP/1.0', nil, nil, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0);
HTTPSendRequest(pRequest, nil, 0, Pchar('TESTR'), Length('TESTR'));

Any ideas of what's happening?

like image 912
thomaf Avatar asked Jan 16 '23 15:01


2 Answers

You are not taking into account that Delphi strings switched to UTF-16 encoded Unicode starting in Delphi 2009. When you pass PChar('TESTR'), you are actually passing a PWideChar, not a PAnsiChar like you are expecting. The character length of the string is 5 characters, but the byte length is 10 bytes. HTTPSendRequest() operates on bytes, not characters. So you really are sending 5 bytes, where each second byte is a null, because that is how ASCII characters are encoded in UTF-16.

Change the last line to this instead:

  S: AnsiString;
S := 'TESTR';
HTTPSendRequest(pRequest, nil, 0, PAnsiChar(S), Length(S)); 

You don't need to do that with the other functions you are calling because they do take Unicode characters as input, so there is no mismatch.

like image 200
Remy Lebeau Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 04:01

Remy Lebeau

Are you using Delphi 2009 or above? If so then your string would be in unicode. Try using an ANSIstring variable for your TESTR string

like image 25
Keith Miller Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 04:01

Keith Miller