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How can I use Application Recovery and Restart in Delphi?




MSDN states that "ARR is designed for C and C++ developers." After googling around for a while, I could not find any Delphi example for ARR. Is it possible to use ARR in a Delphi application?

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iMan Biglari Avatar asked Jan 15 '23 16:01

iMan Biglari

2 Answers

Haven't tested this, but as far as there are headers for it, it should work. For implementing it, you can get the JEDI API Headers that contains JwaAppRecovery.pas unit, covering the Application Recovery and Restart API.

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TLama Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 09:01


Yes, it's a regular Windows C-style API. A quick Google search reveals that InnoSetup supports it, so there should be your Delphi source code example, too.

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Ondrej Kelle Avatar answered Jan 23 '23 08:01

Ondrej Kelle