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New posts in domain-driven-design

Using Service layer classes in ViewModels. A Design Flaw?

In ddd practice,Are the CRUD methods should be put in the Model Objects

DDD Database first . How to handle aggregates

DDD, AutoMapper and Factories

Understanding the Command pattern in a DDD context

c# domain-driven-design

Domain Driven Design question

POST of ViewModel and Validation on DomainModel

DDD: can a repository return boolean values?

Objective C Domain Driven Design

How to implement pagination in DDD?

php domain-driven-design

Do I need to be a design patterns expert before I dive into Domain Driven Design? [closed]


Should getters from domain classes not be prefixed with "get" in DDD, and why?

Are all the classes containing business logic, domain objects?

Standard value types as ValueObjects in DDD?

TDD, What are your techniques for finding good tests?

Why can't I model my domain using ERD?

How to use repository in factory

API Design Question

Communication between Bounded Contexts

Do I need to test the domain services in Domain driven design?
