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New posts in documentation-generation

Haddock: Document a declaration with inferred type signature?

Sandcastle/SHFB. Add platform icons and version info to help file pages

Automagically adding yard doc skeletons to existing Rails legacy code [closed]

How to make source code a part of XML documentation and not violate DRY?

How can I convert an RTF file to a pdf file?

Using Doc-O-Matic (Express) with Delphi

Documenting Spring @RequestMapping annotations into one location automatically?

How to create api documents with grunt-ngdocs

How to generate HTML for JSDoc

How to organize multiple outputs inside a single Jekyll project?

Extract documentation strings from SQL Scripts [closed]

Class Documentation Suggestions

Replacing python docstrings [closed]

Documenting Visual Basic 6.0 code [closed]

dojo js library + jsdoc -> how to document the code?

wiki/docbook/latex documentation template system

How to use inline comments to document members in .NET?

Auto generate REST API docs from Symfony [closed]

Doxygen does not generate function documentation

What tools are available to document a legacy database schema (PDF, DOC, HTML, RTF) [closed]