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How can I convert an RTF file to a pdf file?

How can I convert an RTF file to a PDF one? I have the adobe PDF printer, should I use it? If so, how can I programmatically access it?

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Malfist Avatar asked Dec 05 '09 20:12


People also ask

Is Rich Text Format the same as PDF?

A Rich Text Document (. rtf file) is a versatile format that allows advanced formatting to be viewed on multiple platforms. Please note that RTFs, unlike PDFs, are easily edited.

What program will open an RTF file?

You can open an RTF file with most word processing programs, including: Microsoft WordPad (Windows) Apple TextEdit (Mac) Microsoft Word (cross-platform)

1 Answers

You can use a PDF printer, but then you still have a few problems to solve.

In order to handle text that spans multiple pages, you need this article to create a descendant of RichTextbox that handles the EM_FORMATRANGE Message.

There are a lot of (free) PDF printer out there, but I found that only BioPdf will let you control the filename of the output. They also have reasonable rates for licensed versions.

I have used this to create complex reports (combinations of multiple RTF segments and custom graphics) as attachments for emailing.

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Henk Holterman Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Henk Holterman