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Symfony2: get Doctrine in a generic PHP class

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Create a doctrine repository with dependencies (dependency injection) in ZF2

Count Records Returned MySQL Doctrine

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Silex and MongoDB, which Silex Extension

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How to convert database tables to doctrine entities

Doctrine2 Self Join, How to join on self without relationship column?

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Doctrine ORM Conditional Association

Doctrine not creating auto UUID

Why overriding Doctrine_Record::save() give me a strict standard error in Symfony 1.2?

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Make Doctrine use result cache by default

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How to get result information when updating mysql table with Doctrine ORM in symfony 1.4

How to use forAll method of Doctrine ArrayCollection?

Doctrine column id does not exist on PostgreSQL

MariaDB 10.0 JSON type with symfony 4

Symfony 2 + Doctrine: How to supress SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry

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Two forms - two submit buttons. How the controller identify which button was clicked?

php symfony doctrine

How to get doctrine to generate sql with BIGINT type?

Doctrine 2 - ManyToMany + IN clause

php doctrine doctrine-orm

Auto create date - annoation - Codeigniter 2 and Doctrine 2

Syntax error on a doctrine query (Symfony2)

symfony doctrine