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is possible use setId() for id in doctrine entity?

symfony doctrine

what's the " compatibility between ObjectManager and EntityManagerInterface " in Symfony after update Doctrine?

Doctrine DQL: condition on left join

doctrine mapping not found case

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where to change translationFallback to true in symfony 2 doctrine translatable

Testing database insert using Symfony

Invalid PathExpression while trying to do a query

symfony doctrine dql

How to get Doctrine to work inside a helper function on Symfony2

Logical OR in doctrine2 getRepository->findBy()

php doctrine-orm doctrine

Doctrine Query Builder Where Count of ManyToMany is greater than

How to get previous and next entity through entity manager

Accessing the Symfony user session in the model (Doctrine)

Symfony/Doctrine: fetching data as object

php database symfony1 doctrine

Doctrine where exact use 1.2 version and 2.0 Version?

php doctrine

Symfony2: Call to a member function getId() on a non-object even though there is an object?

symfony doctrine

Doctrine 2 findBy* return object

php doctrine doctrine-orm

NOT IN query with Doctrine QueryBuilder in a Many to Many relation

Getting Doctrine to use MySQL "FORCE INDEX"

php mysql doctrine

doctrine findby magic null value

Doctrine: Query only where relationship doesn't exist?

php mysql symfony1 doctrine