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.NET Core: How to use csproj-based projects alongside project.json?

Database-first EF7-beta7 dnx ef dbcontext scaffold command fails

Running DNX (EF7) database migration on Azure

ASP NET Core Serving specific html page

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Can't compile Environment.Exit in .NET Core

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Publish fails in Visual Studio 2015 with message: "The 'prepare' script failed with status code -1073741819."

ASP.NET CORE 1.0, Impersonation

Determine current path with DNX projects

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The type or namespace name 'RNGCryptoServiceProvider' could not be found in DNX Core 5.0

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Visual Studio 2015 Test Explorer does not see XUnit dnx traits

vNext on Apache webserver

Performance comparison of dnxcore50 vs dnx451? (CoreClr vs .net Framework)

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How to move .dnx directory out of %USERPROFILE%

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Visual Studio 2015 target framework "dotnet" vs "net452"

How to run XUnit tests in the project.json and dotnet tfm world

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How to create and use ASP.NET vNext class library NuGet package?

Where did Attribute.IsDefined go in DNX Core 5.0?

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How do you Install DNX on OSX using Homebrew?

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Difference between dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0,0,rc1-final and dnx-clr-win-x86.1.0,0.rc1-update1

dnx : Error: Unable to load application or execute command 'ef'