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What's the proper way to use multiple AUTH_USER_MODEL in Django 1.5?

How to read and understand django error messages?

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Not able to send a POST request in GCM using Django

Python setup.py install throwing zipimport.ZipImportError

How to mock datetime.date.today() method in Django 1.5.5 tests

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Django1.6, will transaction works for raw SQL?

Django Test Error: relation does not exist

Django disable model delete

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Why is django using fcgi on a hostgator server behaving this way?

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Django Rest Framework serialize permission

Django + Boto + Python 3

Why LC_CTYPE needs to be set manually for Python in some cases

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Initializing MEDIA_ROOT before each Django Test

Confused about hosting in amazon web services

Transforming `ManyToManyField` in Django rest framework

Pros and Cons of using Redis vs memcached+db as Django's session system?

Detect whether Celery is available and running

Django server side app (maybe a micro blog) and android app client - how to communicate

On Heroku, is there danger in a Django syncdb / South migrate after the instance has already restarted with changed model code?

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ImportError: cannot import name patterns

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