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Deleting a file from S3 using Django + Fineuploader + boto

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How to compress a specific file using pipeline in Django?

python django

django-guardian how to make object inherit permissions of related object?

Django w/ MySQL non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back

What is the difference between initial and instance in django formset?

python django formset

How to return a lazy translation object with placeholders?

django gettext

Django: TextField (string) data compression on database level or code level

What's should Django ALLOWED_HOSTS be when using a unix socket?

django gunicorn unix-socket

How to get data from Django Many To Many Field?

django django-models

Why are my crispy formset layouts being ignored?

Query parameters in the URL, with REST Framework

django rest deserialization

'unique_together' refers to the non-existent field

Is Django 1.7 mailing API "insecure"?


Django: Send HTML email via send_mass_mail()

Can I configure Django runserver to reload when static or non-python files are changed?

python django

Django calling save on a QuerySet object - 'QuerySet' object has no attribute 'save'

python django

Override "remaining elements truncated" in Python

python django

django - ordering queryset by a calculated field


What is "swappable" in model meta for?