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Django channels pytest testing. django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured. .

How can we make Django tests faster?

django 1.8 tests with models and migrations

Assertion error while testing Django views

Test a custom filter in admin.py

How to test a custom python-social-auth pipeline?

HttpResponseRedirect' object has no attribute 'client'

How to run all tests with python manage.py test command in django

How to perform a Django test with a request.post?

python django django-tests

Add Token to headers request in TEST mode DRF

Can't invoke celery task in Django tests synchronously

Django Test Case Error 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'session'

Django test database not auto-flushing

Django testing and ContentType generic relatations fixtures

Testing django application with several legacy databases

Django Test client.get() returns 302 code instead of 200

Django UnitTest - Setting session variable

Setting liveserver port when running tests in django

How to correctly use assertRaises in Django