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New posts in distribution

Fitting data to multimodal distributions with scipy, matplotlib

creating a non-uniform, integer distribution using tr1 <random>

c++ random distribution

How to test the final distribution build before submitting it for review to the iPhone app store?

Turn hist2d output into contours in matplotlib

How does Replication work in a Distributed Database

Estimating the probability density of sum of uniform random variables in python

Javascript weird random behavior

Google Play Services is required, but Google Play (market) is not installed .. what to do?

Random integers in C, how bad is rand()%N compared to integer arithmetic? What are its flaws?

c random distribution

Best way to distribute Flutter application Android & iOS. Best Practices in Flutter Beta Distribution

Generate random numbers with logarithmic distribution and custom slope

How to get parameter arguments from a frozen spicy.stats distribution?

Distributing with Boost Library?

c++ boost distribution

Fitting a 3 parameter Weibull distribution

VMWare Linux image with small footprint

Evenly distribute repetitive strings

alternative parametrization of the negative binomial in scipy

Getting Probability Density of Data

Make Frequency histogram from list with tuple elements

Random numbers based on a probability