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How to get parameter arguments from a frozen spicy.stats distribution?

Frozen Distribution

In scipy.stats you can create a frozen distribution that allows the parameterization (shape, location & scale) of the distribution to be permanently set for that instance.

For example, you can create an gamma distribution (scipy.stats.gamma) with a,loc and scale parameters and freeze them so they do not have to be passed around every time that distribution is needed.

import scipy.stats as stats

# Parameters for this particular gamma distribution
a, loc, scale = 3.14, 5.0, 2.0

# Do something with the general distribution parameterized
print 'gamma stats:', stats.gamma(a, loc=loc, scale=scale).stats()

# Create frozen distribution
rv = stats.gamma(a, loc=loc, scale=scale)

# Do something with the specific, already parameterized, distribution
print 'rv stats   :', rv.stats()

gamma stats: (array(11.280000000000001), array(12.56))
rv stats   : (array(11.280000000000001), array(12.56))

Accessible rv parameters?

Since the parameters will most likely not be passed around as a result of this feature, is there a way to get those values back from only the frozen distribution, rv, later on?

like image 560
tmthydvnprt Avatar asked May 28 '16 15:05


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The distributions in scipy.stats have recently been corrected and improved and gained a considerable test suite; however, a few issues remain: The distributions have been tested over some range of parameters; however, in some corner ranges, a few incorrect results may remain.

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The parameters are the key things we want to learn about. The parameters are usually unknown. Sample statistics gives us estimates for parameters. There will always be some uncertainty about how accurate estimates are.

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The scale parameter represents the variability present in the distribution. Changing the scale parameter affects how far the probability distribution stretches out. As you increase the scale, the distribution stretches further right, and the height decreases.

1 Answers

Accessing rv frozen parameters

Yes, the parameters used to create a frozen distribution are available within the instance of the distribution. They are stored within the args & kwds attribute. This will be dependent on if the distribution's instance was created with positional arguments or keyword arguments.

import scipy.stats as stats

# Parameters for this particular alpha distribution
a, loc, scale = 3.14, 5.0, 2.0

# Create frozen distribution
rv1 = stats.gamma(a, loc, scale)
rv2 = stats.gamma(a, loc=loc, scale=scale)

# Do something with frozen parameters
print 'positional and keyword'
print 'frozen args : {}'.format(rv1.args)
print 'frozen kwds : {}'.format(rv1.kwds)
print 'positional only'
print 'frozen args : {}'.format(rv2.args)
print 'frozen kwds : {}'.format(rv2.kwds)

positional and keyword
frozen args : (3.14, 5.0, 2.0)
frozen kwds : {}

positional only
frozen args : (3.14,)
frozen kwds : {'loc': 5.0, 'scale': 2.0}

Bonus: Private method that handles both args and kwds

There is an private method, .dist._parse_args(), which handles both cases of parameter passing and will return a consistent result.

# Get the original parameters regardless of argument type
shape1, loc1, scale1 = rv1.dist._parse_args(*rv1.args, **rv1.kwds)
shape2, loc2, scale2 = rv2.dist._parse_args(*rv2.args, **rv2.kwds)

print 'positional and keyword'
print 'frozen parameters: shape={}, loc={}, scale={}'.format(shape1, loc1, scale1)
print 'positional only'
print 'frozen parameters: shape={}, loc={}, scale={}'.format(shape2, loc2, scale2)

positional and keyword
frozen parameters: shape=(3.14,), loc=5.0, scale=2.0

positional only
frozen parameters: shape=(3.14,), loc=5.0, scale=2.0


Granted, using private methods is typically bad practice because technically internal APIs can always change, however, sometimes they provide nice features, would be easy to re-implement should things change and nothing is really private in Python :).

like image 101
tmthydvnprt Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 07:10
