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New posts in discrete-mathematics

How can I learn higher-level programming-related math without much formal training? [closed]

How to find multiplicative partitions of any integer?

How can I check Hamming Weight without converting to binary?

Can't find the right energy using scipy.signal.welch

How to prove max number of connection between n nodes is n*(n-1)/2

What are some techniques I could use to help gain a better understanding of how the concepts in discrete math are used in programming?

Finding the closest fibonacci numbers

Is the Sobel Filter meant to be normalized?

De Bruijn-like sequence for `2^n - 1`: how is it constructed?

Height of a tree with only one node

Find non-common elements in lists

Why is squaring a number faster than multiplying two random numbers?

Code-golf: generate pascal's triangle

Could anyone explain Big O versus Big Omega vs Big Theta? [duplicate]

Is it possible to implement bitwise operators using integer arithmetic?

Haskell or Standard ML for beginners? [closed]

How do you calculate log base 2 in Java for integers?