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New posts in discrete-mathematics

how to minimize a function with discrete variable values in scipy

Fastest Algorithm to Find the Minimum Sum of Absolute Differences through List Rotation

Maximum value of postage stamps on an envelope

Is a given set of group elements a set of coset representatives?

math discrete-mathematics

Find the "largest" dense sub matrix in a large sparse matrix

How to perform discrete optimization of functions over matrices?

Scoring System Suggestion - weighted mechanism?

Compute a derivative using discrete methods

Logic Proof of Associative Property for XOR

Why do the power spectral density estimates from matplotlib.mlab.psd and scipy.signal.welch differ when the number of points per window is even?

Fastest modular exponentiation in JavaScript

Find two missing numbers

Uses of Ackermann function?

What is the "Law of the Eight"?

Removing minimum no of edges to disconnect two vertices in a graph

Difference between Discrete Structures and Discrete Mathematics

Allocate an array of integers proportionally compensating for rounding errors

How to find the local minima of a smooth multidimensional array in NumPy efficiently?

Please explain to me the solution for the problem below [closed]

How to sum sequence?