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Why do the power spectral density estimates from matplotlib.mlab.psd and scipy.signal.welch differ when the number of points per window is even?

matplotlib.mlab.psd(...) and scipy.signal.welch(...) both implement Welch's average periodogram method to estimate the power spectral density (PSD) of a signal. Assuming equivalent parameters are passed to each function, the returned PSD should be equivalent.

However, using a simple sinusoidal test function, there are systematic differences between the two methods when the number of points used per window (the nperseg keyword for scipy.signal.welch; the NFFT keyword for mlab.psd) is even, as shown below for the case of 64 points per window

even number of points per window

The top plot shows the PSD computed via both methods, while the bottom plot displays their relative error (i.e. the absolute difference of the two PSDs divided by their absolute average). A larger relative error is indicative of larger disagreement between the two methods.

The two functions have much better agreement when the number of points used per window is odd, as shown below for the same signal but processed with 65 points per window

odd number of points per window

Adding other features to the signal (e.g. noise) somewhat diminishes this effect, but it is still present, with relative errors of ~10% between the two methods when an even number of points is used per window. (I realize the relative error at the very highest frequency for the PSDs computed with 65 points per window above is relatively large. However, this is at the signal's Nyquist frequency, and I'm not too concerned about features at such high frequencies. I'm more concerned about the large and systematic relative error across the majority of the signal's bandwidth when the number of points per window is even).

Is there a reason for this discrepancy? Is one method preferable to the other in terms of accuracy? I am using scipy version 0.16.0 and matplotlib version 1.4.3.

The code used to generate the above plots is included below. For a pure sinusoidal signal, set A_noise = 0; for a noisy signal, set A_noise to a finite value.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.signal import welch
from matplotlib import mlab

# Sampling information
Fs = 200.
t0 = 0
tf = 10
t = np.arange(t0, tf, 1. / Fs)

# Pure sinusoidal signal
f0 = 27.
y = np.cos(2 * np.pi * f0 * t)

# Add in some white noise
A_noise = 1e-3
y += (A_noise * np.random.randn(len(y)))

nperseg = 64    # even
# nperseg = 65  # odd

if nperseg > len(y):
    raise ValueError('nperseg > len(y); preventing unintentional zero padding')

# Compute PSD with `scipy.signal.welch`
f_welch, S_welch = welch(
    y, fs=Fs, nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=(nperseg // 2),
    detrend=None, scaling='density', window='hanning')

# Compute PSD with `matplotlib.mlab.psd`, using parameters that are
# *equivalent* to those used in `scipy.signal.welch` above
S_mlab, f_mlab = mlab.psd(
    y, Fs=Fs, NFFT=nperseg, noverlap=(nperseg // 2),
    detrend=None, scale_by_freq=True, window=mlab.window_hanning)

fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)

# Plot PSD computed via both methods
axes[0].loglog(f_welch, S_welch, '-s')
axes[0].loglog(f_mlab, S_mlab, '-^')
axes[0].legend(['scipy.signal.welch', 'mlab.psd'], loc='upper left')

# Plot relative error
delta = np.abs(S_welch - S_mlab)
avg = 0.5 * np.abs(S_welch + S_mlab)
relative_error = delta / avg
axes[1].loglog(f_welch, relative_error, 'k')
axes[1].set_ylabel('relative error')

plt.suptitle('nperseg = %i' % nperseg)
like image 735
E. Davis Avatar asked Oct 22 '15 16:10

E. Davis

People also ask

What is the difference between FFT and PSD?

The PSD and FFT are tools for measuring and analyzing a signal's frequency content. The FFT transfers time data to the frequency domain, which allows engineers to view changes in frequency values. The PSD takes another step and calculates the power, or strength, of the frequency content.

How do you find the power spectral density of a signal in Python?

pyplot. psd() function is used to plot power spectral density. In the Welch's average periodogram method for evaluating power spectral density (say, Pxx), the vector 'x' is divided equally into NFFT segments. Every segment is windowed by the function window and detrended by the function detrend.

How does Welch method work?

Welch's method [297] (also called the periodogram method) for estimating power spectra is carried out by dividing the time signal into successive blocks, forming the periodogram for each block, and averaging. is the rectangular window, the periodograms are formed from non-overlapping successive blocks of data.

What is signal Welch?

Welch, is an approach for spectral density estimation. It is used in physics, engineering, and applied mathematics for estimating the power of a signal at different frequencies.

1 Answers

While the parameters may appear to be equivalent, the window parameter may slightly differ for even sized window. More specifically, unless provided a specific window vector, the window used by scipy's welch function is generated with

win = get_window(window, nperseg)

which uses the default parameter fftbins=True, and according to scipy documentation:

If True, create a “periodic” window ready to use with ifftshift and be multiplied by the result of an fft (SEE ALSO fftfreq).

This result in a different generated window for even lengths. From this section of the Window function entry on Wikipedia, this could give you a slight performance advantage over Matplotlib's window_hanning which always returns the symmetric version.

To use the same window you can explicitly specify the window vector to both PSD estimation functions. You could for example compute this window with:

win = scipy.signal.get_window('hanning',nperseg)

Using this window as parameter (with window=win in both functions) would give the following plot where you may notice a much closer agreement between the two PSD estimation functions:

PSD estimates

Alternatively, assuming you do not want the periodic window property, you could also use:

win = mlab.window_hanning(np.ones(nperseg)) # or
win = scipy.signal.get_window('hanning',nperseg,fftbins=False)
like image 160
SleuthEye Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09
