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New posts in discrete-mathematics

If g(n) = sqrt(n)^sqrt(n), does the complexity of g(n) = O(2^n)?

Rectangle Coordinates With Respect To The Rotation Angle

Resource placement (optimal strategy)

What is a good algorithm to check whether or not a number exist in multiple sets without searching them all?

Finding a pattern or formula to convert Sketch shape path points(json format) to svg path

Least number of perfect square numbers that sums upto n

Understanding why Floyd's tortoise and hare algorithm works when applied to an array of integers

What is the formula to find the different unlabeled trees that can be formed from a given set of nodes?

math discrete-mathematics

All possible subdivisions of a list

P versus NP Clarification

Apparent error in Matlab's perms function

Parity of permutation with parallelism

How do programs like mathematica draw graphs and how can I make such a program?

Algorithm for finding smallest collection of components

Algorithm to detect redundant rules

PHP take all combinations

Enumerate all partial orders

Why does my php code return inf?

php discrete-mathematics

What is the total number of unique values for a double in the range [0.0, 1.0)?

Finding a Eulerian Tour